• 姓名: 郝小礼
  • 职称: 教授
  • 学位: 博士
  • 湖南科技大学
  • 土木工程学院










《Applied Mathematical Modelling》、《Energy Conversion and Management》、《Energy and Buildings》等国际杂志通信评审人。


[1]国家自然科学基金:人体在救生舱高温高湿环境下长时间生存的热反应与热适应性. 项目编号:51276058. 项目时间:2013,01~2016,12, 主持.

[2]湖南省自然科学基金项目:基于微型燃气轮机的建筑冷热电联产系统的控制与优化研究. 项目编号:05JJ40071. 研究时间:2005,1~2006,12. 主持;

[3]湖南省优秀博士论文奖励基金项目:燃气轮机冷热电联产的有限时间热力学优化理论研究. 项目编号:YB2010B027. 项目时间:2010,1~2012,12. 主持;

[4]湖南省高校产业化培育项目:井下移动救生产研发及其产业化. 项目编号:11CY029. 项目时间:2011,1~2013,12. 主持;

[5]湖南省教育改革研究项目:地面与地下相结合,探索建筑环境与设备工程专业特色培养新体系. 项目时间:2011,1~2014,12. 主持;

[6]国家自然科学基金:煤矿乏风低浓度瓦斯的热逆流催化氧化. 项目编号:51076042. 项目时间:2011,1~2013,12. 参与, 排名第二;

[7]国家自然科学基金:内藏式多联区域自然通风流动与潜力模型. 项目编号:51308206. 项目时间:2014,01~2016,12, 参与, 排名第二;

[8]煤矿安全开采技术湖南省重点实验室开发基金:低浓度瓦斯热逆流催化氧化装置性能的实验测试. 项目编号:KF200903. 项目时间:2009,1~2012,12. 主持;

[9]企业横向课题:固体干燥冷却空调系统研究与开发. 项目时间:2009,1~2010,12. 主持;

[10]企业横向课题:混合式蒸发冷却填料开发. 项目时间:2011,1~2012,12. 主持;

[11]企业横向课题:煤矿移动救生舱开发.项目时间:2010,12~2011,12. 主持;

[12]企业横向课题:高性能低噪声离心风机研究与开发. 项目时间:2013,8~ 2016,12. 主持。

先后在《Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews》、《Energy Policy》、《Applied Energy》、《Energy and Buildings》、《Building and Environment》、《暖通空调》等国际、国内杂志和大型国际、国内会议上公开发表学术论文50余篇,其中被SCI收录11篇次、EI收录12篇次、ISTP收录4篇,主编和参编本科生教材3部。


[1] Xiaoli Hao, Guoqiang Zhang, Youming Chen. Fault-tolerant control and data recovery in HVAC monitoring system. Energy and Buildings, 2005, Vol.37(2): 175-180. SCI、EI收录

[2] Xiaoli Hao,Guoqiang Zhang, Youming Chen, Shenghua Zou and Demetrios. J. Moschandreas. A Combined System of Chilled Ceiling, Displacement Ventilation and Desiccant Dehumidification. Building and Environment, 2007, Vol.42(9): 3298–3308. SCI、EI收录

[3] Xiaoli Hao, Guoqiang Zhang, Youming Chen. Role of BCHP in energy and environmental sustainable development and its prospects in China. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2007, Vol. 11 (8): 1827–1842. SCI、EI收录

[4] Youming Chen, Xiaoli Hao, Guoqiang Zhang, Shengwei Wang. Flow meter fault isolation in building central chilling systems using wavelet analysis. Energy Conversion and Management, 2006, Vol.47(13): 1700-1710. SCI、EI收录

[5] Xiaoli Hao, Guoqiang Zhang, Youming Chen, Jin Zhou. Thermodynamic model and numerical simulation of single-shaft microturbine performance. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology, 2006, Vol. 13: 134-140.

[6] Xiaoli Hao, Guoqiang Zhang, Youming Chen, Shenghua Zou. Combining Chilled Ceiling, Displacement Ventilation and Desiccant Dehumidification for Indoor Air Quality and Thermal Comfort (Abstract). Indoor air, 2005, Vol.15(11): 61-62.

[7] Xiaoli Hao, Guoqiang Zhang, Shenghua Zuo, Heqing Liu. Analysis of energy-saving potential of a three-rotary wheel air-handling unit. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology, 2006, Vol. 13: 80-84.

[8] Xiaoli Hao, Guoqiang Zhang. Maximum useful energy rate analysis of an endoreversible Joule-Brayton cogeneration cycle. Applied Energy, 2007, Vol.84(11): 1092-1101. SCI、EI收录

[9] Xiaoli Hao, Hongxing Yang, Guoqiang Zhang. Trigeneration: A new way for landfill gas utilization and its feasibility in Hong Kong. Energy Policy, 2008, Vol.36 (10): 3662-3673. SCI、SSCI、EI收录

[10] Xiaoli Hao, Guoqiang Zhang. Exergy Optimization of a Brayton Cycle-Based Cogeneration Plant. International Journal of Exergy, 2009, Vol.6(1): 34-48. SCI、EI收录

[11] Liu Heqing, Hao Xiaoli, Wang Yongjie et al. Study and practice of the controlling technique on heat-harm during tunneling in Zhaolou mine. Engineering Sciences, 2008, Vol.6(4): 31-35.

[12] Xiaoli Hao, Guoqiang Zhang. Maximum useful energy rate and efficiency of a recuperative Brayton cogeneration plant. Journal of Central South University, 2013, Vol. 20(1): 156-163. SCI、EI收录

[13] Xiaoli Hao, Changzhou Zhu, Yaolin Lin, Haiqiao Wang, Guoqiang Zhang, Youming Chen. Optimizing the pad thickness of evaporative air-cooled chiller for maximum energy saving. Energy and Buildings, 2013, 61: 146-152. SCI、EI收录

[14] Xiao Chen, Xiaoli Hao. Exergy Analysis of a Ground-Coupled Heat Pump Heating System with Different Terminals. Entropy 2015, 17: 2328-2340.

[15] Xiaoli Hao, Chenxin Guo, Yaolin Lin, Haiqiao Wang, Heqing Liu. Analysis of Heat Stress and the Indoor Climate Control Requirements for Movable Refuge Chambers. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2016, 13, 518: 1-10. SCI收录


[1] Xiaoli Hao, Guoqiang Zhang, Youming Chen, Shenghua Zou. Thermophysical properties evaluation of R22 and its alternative candidates. Proceedings of the 7th Asian Thermophysical Properties Conference (Abstract), 2004,120-120.

[2] Xiaoli Hao, Guoqiang Zhang, Youming Chen, Shenghua Zou. Sustainability of Building Cooling, Heating, and Power. Proceedings of the 2nd International Built Environment and Public Health Conference, 2004, 531-535. ISTP收录

[3] Xiaoli Hao, Guoqiang Zhang, Youming Chen, Shenghua Zou. Combining Chilled Ceiling, Displacement Ventilation and Desiccant Dehumidification for Indoor Air Quality and Thermal Comfort. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate, 2005, 1248-1253. ISTP收录

[4] Youming Chen, Xiaoli Hao, Juan Zhou, Guoqiang Zhang. Isolation of Flow Meter Fault in HVAC System Using Wavelet Analysis. Proceedings of the 9th International IBPSA Conference, 2005, 151-158.

[5] Xiaoli Hao, Guoqiang Zhang. Fuel energy saving optimization for an endoreversible gas turbine-based cogeneration plant. Proceedings of ISHVAC 2007, 230-235. ISTP收录

[6] Hongxing Yang, Xiaoli Hao, Guoqiang Zhang. Energy saving and GHG emission reduction potentials of biogas applications from wastes for tri-generation in Hong Kong, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies, 2008, 476-488.

[7] Xiaoli Hao, Guoqiang Zhang. Maximun fuel energy saving of a Brayton cogeneration cycle. Proceeding of 2009 International Conference on Energy and Environment Technology, Vol.1, 724-727. EI、ISTP收录

[8] Xiaoli Hao, Shenghua Zou, Guoqiang Zhang. Analysis on the Influencing Factors of Micro turbine Performance. Proceeding of 2010 International Conference on Energy and Environment Technology, 52-56.

[9] Xiaoli Hao, Changzhou Zhu, Haiqiao Wang, Yi Lv, Guoqiang Zhang.. Performance simulation and optimization of evaporative air-cooled chiller. ASim2012 Proceedings. 108-115.


[1] 郝小礼、陈冠益、冯国会、张国强等编著. 可再生能源与建筑能源利用技术. 北京:建筑工业出版社, 2014.

[2] 陈友明、郝小礼、莫志娇编. 建筑环境测试技术. 北京:机械工业出版社,2009.

[3] 刘泽华、彭梦珑、周湘江、彭小勇、郝小礼、顾小松、宁永飞编. 空调冷热源工程. 北京:机械工业出版社,2005.


[1] 发明专利:《多级热回收复合除湿新风空气处理机》(专利号:ZL 201110121129.4),2013. 第一发明人

[2] 发明专利:《一种高冷、热应力室内气候模拟装置》(专利号:ZL 201410382653.0),2014. 第一发明人

[3] 发明专利:《一种矿用局部供冷装置》(专利号:ZL 200510032066.X), 2005. 第二发明人

[4] 实用新型专利:《多级回热型低浓度瓦斯热逆流催化氧化装置》(专利号:ZL 201120175359.0),2011. 第一发明人

[5] 实用新型专利:《低浓度瓦斯转轮催化氧化装置》(专利号:ZL 201120166284.3),2011. 第一发明人

[6] 实用新型专利:《一种超声波实时路灯节能控制装置》(专利号:ZL 201120110795.3),2011. 第一发明人

[7] 实用新型专利:《蒸发式风冷冷水系统》(专利号:ZL 201220213002.5),2012. 第一发明人

[8] 实用新型专利:《一种矿用隔爆型等温除湿机》(专利号:ZL 201220532356.6),2013. 第二发明人

[9] 实用新型专利:《一种带高位废水贮存箱的家庭废水循环利用装置》(专利号:ZL 201320677478.9),2014. 第一发明人


[1] 湖南省教学成果三等奖:建筑环境与能源应用工程特色专业建设研究与实践. 获奖时间:2016年7月. 排名第一;

[2] 山东省科技进步二等奖:高温矿井建设期间热害防治技术研究与应用. 获奖时间:2008,4. 排名第五;

[3] 中国煤炭工业协会科学技术奖三等奖:高温矿井建设期间热害防治技术研究与应用. 获奖时间:2007,12. 排名第五;

[4] 湖南省优秀博士论文奖:Brayton联产循环的有限时间热力学分析与优化. 获奖时间:2010年;

[5] 中国煤炭工业协会科技进步三等奖:煤矿井下火药库隔爆型等温除湿系统研究及其应用, 2014年, 排名第六;

[6] 湘潭市第八届青年科技奖,2013年。